Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How do I neutralize my Gujrati/Regional English accent?

Hi ,

The only way to improve your accent or rather to neutralize it, is to watch as many English movies/Programs as possible and to interact with fluent English speakers as often as possible.When you listen to someone speak good English, carefully notice their pronunciations and vocabulary,if possible also notice their lip movements and consciously try to emulatethem in your day to day communications.It is not easy ,but gradually you will notice a change in the way you speak.When you don't know a certain pronunciation visit the sight and type the word in.The sight has recordings of globally correct pronunciations.

Remember,neutralizing your accent should be a constant endeavor.In 6 months time there should be a noticeable difference in the way you speak.Do not hesitate to approach me when you have a question.


Ketan Sardesai

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