Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Reactiveness----------Control your Temper kids.
This is an age of fast food ,fast cars,instant coffee etc.Time seems to be in short supply and speed is of the essence.But whoaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!! whats with the
reactiveness people? I think the hallmark of the young generation is leap before you look !!!! I see so much anger and negativity around me !!!! most of it stems from presumptions and hasty conclusions.Do me a favor kids,whenever you are upset with someone ,first walk away from the person and the situation.Get a diversion,do something else.When you feel you have calmed down,then take the next step.You will find that this simple exercise will save you a lot of grief and heartburn.Remember,emotional states are like infectious states.The more you scratch,the more you itch !! When very emotional,just walk away and heal first,no matter how difficult it is !!!! Anger is mostly a wasteful counterproductive emotion if you don't know what to do with it.But it can be a great driving force if you channel it intelligently!!!!
So take a chill pill people !!! and remember,temper is the most precious thing!! don't loose it !!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Respect For Teachers !!!!!
Dear Students.....times are ...a.....changin goes a popular song.I couldn't agree more.There was a time when the teacher was compared to parents.When The teacher was a person of respect if not reverence.Gone are those times.We have great schools now ,you know,better facilities,better teaching methods,better curriculi, even better educated Teachers,thanks to the 6th Pay comission,many Highly educated professionals are now increasingly taking up the role of a Teacher.
But along with all this improvement,the inevitable is happening.The Student no longer views the teacher as the Father figure or Motherly influence.The Teacher is now a resource and resource only.One that can be used at will and ignored if need be.
When everything goes well,this system just works fine,but the moment there is a high stress situation,and a disagreement,the Student of today does not hesitate to complain against the teacher.Complaining is not bad,but what about talking things out with the teacher first?What about individual rapport with the teacher?
Comes a time when the teacher feels scared,even defensive .The beleaguered teacher is now increasingly on his guard.I can't say this or I cant do that,what if the student complains?This makes teaching mechanical,diplomatic and contrived.
The Teacher of today feels the need to tread carefully down the tricky path of student satisfaction,taking care not to upset the cart .The student thinks that this is a great Victory.The teacher is in line and won't dare give any trouble.But see,the thing is there won't be a teacher to trouble,what will remain is a scared individual who measures and calculates before speaking.Surely this is a loss? whose loss? you tell me.I am too busy being diplomatic.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Inspiring Quote for the Day !!!!
WORD FOR THE DAY---Adiaphorism
We will be conducting the installation of Interact club members on the next thursday the 27th of August.If you are interested,please contact Nupur Agrawal or Abhishek Dave for details.We will be having a meeting during the short recess at AV3 tomorrow.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Swine Flu !!!!!!
Swine flu is an influenza A H1N1 virus just like other influenza viruses. Since it’s just like other flu viruses, it shares common symptoms of flu. The difference however is that the swine influenza A (H1N1) virus has components of pig and bird influenza viruses in it, and we humans don’t have any immunity to it. This has made it more likely to be a pandemic virus as it could easily spread from person-to-person. Pandemic virus refers to one that it has the ability to cause a global outbreak.
Swine Flu Symptoms:
High fever, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absent accompanied with,
Alarming Swine Flu Symptoms:
Mode of spread:
Swine flu spreads by direct contact with respiratory secretions such as saliva, drops from nose, sputum, expectorant coughing, sneezing of someone that is detected swine flu positive. Droplets from cough and sneeze may contaminate the surrounding surfaces, water and become infected for few hours till the virus is alive. Patients with swine flu positive are contagious for one day before and up to seven days after they have the above said symptoms.
Swine flu can be diagnosed by sending a blood specimen, which is collected during the first five days of flu symptoms.
High risk people:
People with regular exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection. However, people close to infected patients are at a greater risk.
Modes of prevention: Wear air tight mask, avoid going in crowded places, and increase immunity by alternative medications as a preventive mode.
Mode of death: In patients with positive swine flu. Much of the illness and death associated with swine flu are because of pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and secondary infection by other pathogens.
Allopathic Medications:
Anti-flu medications which to prevent and treat swine flu are Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir).
Alternative care:
Since ages Neem has proven very effective against virus, bacteria and parasites. Neem is supposed to be strongest, cheapest and easily available anti viral. Take ten leaves of neem twice a day. Preferably they should be fresh and new leaves.
Other alternative is to consume dry powder or in form of capsules which is easily available in India. Patient with too much cough and expectorant should also take tea which is flavored with cardamom, basil leaves and mint.
If your immune system is made stronger then there will be fewer chances for any viruses and bacteria to infect your body. This can be raised by consuming one spoon of Guduchi powder twice a day. Guduchi increases immune system and acts as a preventive medicine. One can take this even during infected stage to increase resistance by decreasing viral load.
Consume one small glass of Amla juice, which will again boost your immune system.
Avoid cold food, stale food, sweets, curd.
Drink little warm water after adding a pinch of dry ginger powder.
Drink milk with one spoon of dry turmeric powder in it. This should be consumed three times a day by infected patient and at least once a day as preventive care. It is also the best preventive method for travelers.
Juice of 30 Basil leaves added with 10 leaves of mint should be taken once a day as both prevention and cure. Basil leaves has strong anti bacterial and anti viral properties.
Neem, Turmeric and Basil will also prevent secondary complications as a result of severe flu thereby decreasing hospital stay.
Additional alertness on your part could help you stay protected. Besides, people should avoid panicking and ensure they stay updated to the latest measures that need to be adopted.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Word For The Day--- Peradventure
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Word for the Day !!!!
Student Query !!!!! Overburdened.
Sir sometimes i am so much overburdened with work that i dnt know where to start from. I work so haphazardly an get so stressed that if someone asks me anything i shout on them also i cannot manage my work well.its an everyday case and thus it forces me to create a wrong image of mine.Could you suggest me as to how should i help myself!!
August 3, 2009 2:42 AM
Doctor's Corner said...
Absolutely!!!!You need to be more organized and calm.First of all keep a daily planner,like a diary with you.On the previous night plan out the next day carefully giving yourself targets and make sure you accomplish those targets.But please set realistic goals for yourself.your goal should be SMART.S---SPECIFIC,M-MEASURABLE,A-ACHIEVABLE,R-REALISTIC,T-TIMEBOUNDPlease meditate when you can and relax with things like music or watch a funnny movie or even talk to someone who relaxes you,because you seem a little stressed out.Remember,life is a journey..Enjoy the drive !!!!!
August 4, 2009 11:02 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Quote For The Day !!!!!
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is the way great giants are produced.”....Swami Vivekananda
Word For The Day !!!!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Student Query !!!!!
hello sir,
i get really tense during my exams and i forget what i have learnt and due to this i can't achieve my targeted marks...so how should i overcome this...
Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.
Using multiple learning styles and “multiple intelligences” for learning is a relatively new approach. This approach is one that educators have only recently started to recognize. Traditional schooling used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical teaching methods. It also uses a limited range of learning and teaching techniques. Many schools still rely on classroom and book-based teaching, much repetition, and pressured exams for reinforcement and review. A result is that we often label those who use these learning styles and techniques as “bright.” Those who use less favored learning styles often find themselves in lower classes, with various not-so-complimentary labels and sometimes lower quality teaching. This can create positive and negative spirals that reinforce the belief that one is “smart” or “dumb.”
By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning.
The learning styles are:
- Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
- Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music.
- Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
- Physical (kinesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
- Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
- Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
- My friend,identify the techniques that work best for you and learn using those Techniques .Approach me for further help!!!