Dear Students.....times are ...a.....changin goes a popular song.I couldn't agree more.There was a time when the teacher was compared to parents.When The teacher was a person of respect if not reverence.Gone are those times.We have great schools now ,you know,better facilities,better teaching methods,better curriculi, even better educated Teachers,thanks to the 6th Pay comission,many Highly educated professionals are now increasingly taking up the role of a Teacher.
But along with all this improvement,the inevitable is happening.The Student no longer views the teacher as the Father figure or Motherly influence.The Teacher is now a resource and resource only.One that can be used at will and ignored if need be.
When everything goes well,this system just works fine,but the moment there is a high stress situation,and a disagreement,the Student of today does not hesitate to complain against the teacher.Complaining is not bad,but what about talking things out with the teacher first?What about individual rapport with the teacher?
Comes a time when the teacher feels scared,even defensive .The beleaguered teacher is now increasingly on his guard.I can't say this or I cant do that,what if the student complains?This makes teaching mechanical,diplomatic and contrived.
The Teacher of today feels the need to tread carefully down the tricky path of student satisfaction,taking care not to upset the cart .The student thinks that this is a great Victory.The teacher is in line and won't dare give any trouble.But see,the thing is there won't be a teacher to trouble,what will remain is a scared individual who measures and calculates before speaking.Surely this is a loss? whose loss? you tell me.I am too busy being diplomatic.
yah that's much more than the truth!!!!